Oh my goodness, this was a cold one!  I’d had an outdoor senior session just a few days prior, and we did just fine with that one.  But we definitely found out what a difference 10 degrees makes!  It was only 12 outside for this session, and I was half afraid we’d put mom right into labor.  Mom and dad were troopers though and it didn’t seem to faze them.

We started out just outside of my studio in Escanaba, to take advantage of the weathered brick.  Mom and dad both enjoy an industrial vibe so this worked perfect.  We made our way further downtown, and funny enough, the closer we got to the water the warmer it was!  The wind died down too and the session was much more enjoyable (I have to say I’m not a fan of the cold!)  After we got a good variety of urban scenery, we made our way down to Aronson Island for some more natural and outdoors scenery.  Seeing all the people ice fishing – some just out in the open sitting on buckets – made me cringe, but to each his own right?

I had a great time capturing this maternity session, and I can’t wait to meet their little one in just a few weeks!