Newborn photography is not easy – I thought differently when my own children were little, which is why I don’t have any nice newborn portraits of them – I thought I could do it myself.  Long story short, I was very wrong!  Of course I cherish the pictures of my kids because they are my babies, but I would love to have those perfect squishy photographs of them that I missed out on.  (I joke that this is why I have to hang up every one else’s babies on my walls!)  After I realized how much skill goes into a session, and how much I wanted to continue with newborn portraiture, I invested in some classes and equipment, and contacted some friends who had recently had babies to see if they would let me practice what I was learning.  One of those friends was Cassie, and I adored the pictures we got of her little sweetheart McKenna.

Fast forward a couple of years, and I’ve continued learning and growing, and Cassie continued to make gorgeous babies!  I was thrilled when she contacted me to photograph her new little sweetheart, Sadie.  Sadie was just a little bit of a stinker during her session, but oh my goodness, I could have kept her.  She has the most amazing hair, and she was perfectly content – as long as she was being cuddled.  Rocking newborns is something I never mind, and is one of the perks of the job, but luckily we were able to get to work too, and create some gorgeous images of this sweet little baby.