Becoming an aunt again never gets old, especially when your brother-in-law and his wife are exceptionally good at producing gorgeous little babies with tons of hair!  Emmy is baby number 3 for Zac and Andrea, and they definitely have a “type.”  If you look at newborn pictures of all 3 of their babies, they could easily have been triplets!

I think that Emmy has the most hair out of her siblings, and I can’t wait to see her grow up.  Well, maybe I can wait – she is also especially good at snuggling, and I don’t want that stage to go by too fast.

Andrea had a love of deep purples and teals for this session, so I found *all* the jewel toned props from my favorite prop and yarn shops.  I didn’t use many bonnets, because who would want to cover up all that hair?!

Andrea drove all the way down from Marquette with her newborn Emmy and toddler Caden, when Emmy was just one and a half weeks old, for this session. I can’t give her enough credit for doing so – she even hit a snowstorm on the way back up to Marquette.  This mom of 3 is one of the strongest women I know, and one of the sweetest too.  I couldn’t be more thankful to have her for a sister – or her children for my nieces and nephews.