I work with Jamie at the hospital, and I’m always amazed by how much she has going on in her life.  I think *I’m* busy, but she makes me feel well-rested!  She has 5 amazing kiddos, works full time, and gets an incredible amount of things done during the day.  She’s extremely selfless and regularly sacrifices sleep in order to do things for others.  Her older children are some of the most polite teenagers I’ve ever met, and they are amazing with their little siblings.  Oh, and she bought her daughter a HORSE for her 13th birthday!  That automatically makes her a hero in my book.

This session was a little tornado-whirwind of fun.  The family blew into my studio, bounced all over it, and blew back out.  There was chaos, to be sure, but no more than to be expected with all these little ones.  There may have been a few tears – also not completely unexpected.  But there was also lots of laughter, helping, caring and kindness, which says everything that needs to be said.  It may not be an easy life, but it sure is a beautiful one.