I tend to specialize more toward newborns and smaller children for portraiture, and right now I’m in the midst of a baby boom.  But the senior I get here and there is always a nice change of pace – someone who you don’t have to chase down, who will smile without me pretending to fall over or make silly faces (although I’m pretty sure I make silly faces anyway, and don’t always have to pretend to fall over – a few of Chloe’s laughing smiles came from watching me perch precariously on my stepstool!) I think my biggest hurdle is that I’ve never known what to say to teenagers – not when I was one, and not now.  I’m more comfortable cuddling newborns and chasing toddlers – especially once I had my own children.  Maybe once my kids are older I’ll be more used to it!  In any case, seniors push my comfort zone a little which I feel is always a good thing.  And really, Chloe was absolutely great to work with.  She’s incredibly sweet and I know that her future is going to take her to great places.  I used to work with her mom, and it was so hard to believe that this same girl I used to hear stories about is now nearly ready to graduate high school.  It was also super nice to work with a family that I know, because they happened to know my favorite beer (that can only be purchased in Wisconsin) and brought me a case as a thank you!

We first headed down by the water in Escanaba, and we had some freshly falling snow which looked so pretty in the pictures.  Chloe was a rock star about looking warm in the 20 degree temps!  We headed to the studio afterward to warm up a little, and it was a lot of fun to utilize my space in a way I hadn’t before.