This family wasn’t quite sure they wanted newborn photos. A big deciding factor was whether they could include their dog – he was their first baby, and including him was very important to them. I absolutely love including pets in photos and they are welcome in the studio, so I was happy to say yes.

Dad was also curious about including some of his duck decoys in the images. Often dads are the ones kind of dragged along for photos, rather than excitedly participating, so if I can make the images more interesting for them too, that’s a bonus for me. He’d seen a Pinterest image that he was inspired by, and then I put my own take on including ducks (and Kinsley’s Labrador retriever brother!) in her session.

These are just a few images from her session, but they were all of our favorites. While I love including things that really personalize a session, and taking it to a fine art level, sometimes a simple, clean portrait can be equally beautiful.

family poses during a newborn session, including the family's black Labrador retriever and dad's duck decoys.
rustic themed newborn poses including dad's duck decoys
simple, clean image of a newborn posed on her tummy, on a white background wearing a white knit onesie.

Newborns are my favorite sessions and I’d love to plan yours – contact me here.